Notable Publications
- Promoting Investment for Energy Access in Least Developed Countries, 2017, E. Morris and R. Ruohonen, UN Office of the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries, and Small Island Developing States, 2017, E. Morris. J. Greene, J. Wong, and P. Fay (Download PDF)
- Opening Doors: Mapping the Landscape for Sustainable Energy, Gender Diversity, and Social Inclusion, Sustainable Energy for All, 2018, E. Morris. J. Greene, and C. Diam-Valla (Download PDF)
- Situation Analysis of Energy and Gender Issues in ECOWAS Member States, 2015, E, Morris, J. Greene, C, Diam-Valla, R. Mensah-Kutin, and M. Maduekwe, ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (Download PDF)
- Iluméxico: A social enterprise providing solar energy to households in rural communities across Mexico, 2015, E. Morris and Merijn de Been, National Renewable Energy Laboratory (Download PDF)
- Household Energy: Best Practices for Cleaner Cooking Options, 2012, E. Morris, J. Greene, A. Desiderato, P. Fay, and C. Alfaro, World Bank (Download PDF)
- Bringing Small -Scale Finance to the Poor for Energy Services: What is role of government?: Experiences from Burkina Faso, Kenya, Nepal, and Tanzania, 2009, E. Morris and G. Kirubi, UNDP (Download PDF)
- End-user Finance: A Guide for Sustainable Energy Enterprises and NGOs, J. Winiecki, E. Morris, and N. Armacost, 2010, Ashden Awards for Sustainable Energy (Download PDF)
- Value Chain Analysis of Jatropha Oil: Evaluating the Use and Scale-Up of Jatropha Oil for the Multifunctional Platform Programme in Mali, 2010, K. Walters and E. Morris, ENERGIA News (Download PDF)
- Using microfinance to expand access to energy services: Summary of Findings, 2007, E. Morris, J. Winiecki, S. Chowdhary, and K. Cortiglia, SEEP Network (Download PDF)
- Using microfinance to expand access to energy services: The emerging experiences in East Africa of Faulu Kenya and KUSSCO, 2007, J. Kabutha, M. Sengendo, J. Winiecki, and E. Morris, SEEP Network (Download PDF)
- Using microfinance to expand access to energy services: The emerging experiences in Asia of SEWA Bank, SEES, NUBL, and AMRET, 2007, H. Hilman, J. Gidwani, and E. Morris, SEEP Network (Download PDF)
- Using microfinance to expand access to energy services: A desk study of experiences in Latin America and the Caribbean, 2007, A. Allderdice, J. Winiecki, and E. Morris, SEEP Network
(Download PDF)
- Energizing the least developed countries to achieve the Millennium Development Goals: The challenges and opportunities of globalization, 2007, M. Takada, K. Rijal, and E. Morris, Proceedings for Ministerial Conference “Making Globalization Work for the LDCs”, Istanbul, Turkey, July 9-11, 2007 (Download PDF)
- Empowering Development: Gender; Small and Medium Enterprise; Natural Resource Management and the Environment; Health and Education; Economic Growth and Trade; Democracy, Governance, and Conflict Management; and Water and Agriculture, 2005, U.S. Agency for International Development, Office of Infrastructure and Engineering (Download PDF)
- The Global Village Energy Partnership: Harnessing Energy for Poverty Reduction in Africa, 2005, A. Brew Hammond, E. Morris, and E. Wurster. ESI Africa: the Power Journal of Africa, Issue 3 (Download PDF)
- The Global Village Energy Partnership Mobilizes Private and Public Sectors: Aims to Increase Access to Microfinance for Energy Services”, 2005, E. Morris and E. Wurster, Microfinance Matters: United Nations Capital Development Fund Newsletter, Issue 17 (Download PDF)
- Guidebook on Rural Energy, 2002, E. Morris, D. Sood, A. Kasius, R. White, and G. Karlsson, U.S. Agency for International Development. (Download PDF)
- APEC guidebook for financing new and renewable energy projects, 1998, E. Morris and A. Price, Sustainable Energy Solutions, APEC Publication # 98-RE-03.1. (Download PDF)
- Analysis of renewable energy retrofit options to existing diesel mini-grids, 1998, Sustainable Energy Solutions, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, and Strategic Power Utilities Group, APEC Publication # 98-RE-01.6